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Jonas Panerio of CDN on the Cebu Sports Awards

A Night To Remember by Jonas Panerio (Feb. 20) Cebu’s best and the brightest athletes mingled with the country’s most prized sporting hero, boxing champion Manny Pacquiao, in what was an unforgettable night at the 27th Sportswriters Association of Cebu-San Miguel Corporation (SAC-SMC) All-Cebu Sports Awards Wednesday evening at the Casino Espanol ballroom. Pacquiao, who… Continue reading Jonas Panerio of CDN on the Cebu Sports Awards

Freddie says De La Hoya’s too old, overstaying

It’s not aired on local or cable TV but it’s a must-watch. I’m referring to HBO’s documentary called “24/7,” which features Oscar de la Hoya and Manny Pacquiao. I first heard about this bio-short film from Chris Aldeguer. The youngest son of ALA, Chris is now in the U.S. preparing for two mega-events: he’ll watch… Continue reading Freddie says De La Hoya’s too old, overstaying

Categorized as Cesafi, NBA

No headline news: These writers love sports

Three nights ago at the Madrid room of the Casino Español, the group of men and women whose stories and scores and scoops you read about each day at these back pages met. Sun.Star Cebu, The Freeman, Cebu Daily News, Sun.Star Superbalita, Banat—each of the five Cebu dailies was represented. The group? The Sportswriters Association… Continue reading No headline news: These writers love sports

In Boston, an avid spectator from Cebu

The Boston Celtics are 8-0. They own the NBA’s best scorecard. Last week, top Cebu rheumatologist Dr. Ronald Eullaran fulfilled his lifelong dream to watch “Larry Bird’s team.” Here’s Dr. Ron Eullaran: “I was in Boston from Nov. 6 to 11 for our Annual Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology at the new Boston… Continue reading In Boston, an avid spectator from Cebu